This are the exhibitions I participated in so far:

-PUBLIC ww.snack, student and parent snack bar at KIS, kiev, ukraine (6 photos), September 2009 - June 2015
-PRIVATE @mymensa, student and teacher dining hall, kiev international school, kiev ukraine (10 photos), September 2008 - June 2014
-PUBLIC Berck, France, July & August 2012. 4 out of 100 photos in this exhibition. Total photographers: 50
-PUBLIC Etables, France, July & August 2012. 4 out of 100 photos in this exhibition. Total photographers: 50
-PUBLIC Hertogenbosch. Netherlands. New Place Gallery. Solo Exhibition 13. Mai-September 2013. 7 photos
-PUBLIC Berck-sur-mer: August 2013. 4 out of 100 photos shown at a beach park in Berck. Theme "Les Plages du Monde"
-ARTFAIR Laren, Netherlands. Art Laren (Art Fair) 14-16. June 2013
-ARTFAIR Zuerich, Switzerland. Art Zuerich (Art Fair) 11-13 October 2013 Booth K 46
-PUBLIC Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. New Place Gallery. Exhibition with other Artists such as Sclpturors and Painters (but no other Photographers). September 2013-April 2014.
-PUBLIC Hertogenbosch. Netherlands. New Place Gallery. Solo Exhibition. September 2014 -April 2015. 7 photos
-PUBLIC Matanzas, UNEAC: Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, Matanzas, Cuba. Solo Exhibition. April 4-30, 2015. 55 photos
-PUBLIC Hamburg, Germany. Gudberg Nerger Gallery. Exhibition of World Street Photography Winners 2017. 1 out of ca. 100 phtos was mine

These are all the publications of my work apart from the exhibition catalogs of the above events:

-BOOK: Le Smac "Les Plages du Monde", ISBN 978-2-9535396-4-6. 3 out of 100 photos in this book
-NEWSPAPER: Pasos Callejeros, Boletin Especial No 2/2015
-TV-INTERVIEW: RTV Cuba evening news, 12. April 2015 20:30